Privacy Policy

Adding a micronation (3rd icon)

By adding a micronation, the micronation data will become accessible to the public. The micronation data consists of the "Add a micronation" form and geolocation data determined by the device used to add the micronation. By switching on the "Visible on map" switch, users will be able to see precise location of the micronation on map. By switching on the "Show distance from users" switch, some users will be able to see their distance from the micronation in kilometers accurate to 1 decimal place.

Nearby micronations (2nd icon)

The server will process location data determined by the device used in order to find micronations near to the user. The location data is not stored.

Requesting your data

To request your data, contact us on

Removing your data

Micronations can be easily removed from the Edit page. Alternatively, reach out to us.


The server accepts only end-to-end encrypted https connections secured by TLS. The micronations are regularly backed up to avoid data loss. The server may log parts of received data for security purposes. A log of certain activities (like creating, editing or removing micronations) is publicly available (without any private information).